Past Cheerwine Promotions & Giveaways
A Celebration of Sweet Love
with Cheerwine® & Little Debbie®
This promotion has ended. Thanks for celebrating Valentine’s Day with us and our friends Little Debbie®. Fourteen (14) winners were selected to receive a prize bundle. See official rules here.

celebrating the season
with Cheerwine® & Little Debbie®
This promotion has ended. Thanks for celebrating the season with us and our friends Little Debbie®. Twelve (12) winners were selected to receive a holiday prize bundle. See official rules here.

Experience the CHEER all summer long with nine weeks of prizes. 3 WAYS TO WIN and all valid entries are eligible to win a GRAND PRIZE VACATION stay at Bear Lake Reserve in Tuckasegee, NC. Be sure to check our social media pages to win bonus mystery prizes.

12 days of cheermas
Our company is in no way affiliated with a car wrap promotion. Any current promotions or giveaways can be found above. Communication for any contest, promotion, or giveaway will come directly from Cheerwine or our marketing agency. If you are ever unsure if a Cheerwine promotion or communication is legitimate, please email comments@cheerwine.com or call our headquarters at 704.637.5881 to verify.